Memories That Make Your Tree Sparkle

December 17, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Every year, we open a big box of cheer. I love looking through the Christmas stash...however, less and less is coming out of the box and into the corners and on the tables. Although, I love to decorate the tree! And after 3 kids and 21 years of marriage, it's amazing the tree has not come tumbling down yet or at least start looking like the tower of Pisa. 

The ornaments each represent a story for each child and what they loved. Each year dated, you can journey down a path that begins with Winnie the Pooh, chill with Scooby-Doo, meet up with Luke Skywalker and hang out with Thor or Captain America. For my daughter, it's the glittery collection of holiday Barbie and her friend Hannah Montana. 

Mr. MJCP and I have our first ornament from our first tree and memories of vacations hanging from the evergreen boughs. Also, now that the kids are older, I am not so afraid to hang up older ornaments from my parents first tree and my grandparents tree. 

I'm a sentimental fool. I love traditions and memories and stories. Typically my personality would be to have our tree adorned with simple, orderly and color-coordinating baubles, with monochromatic strands of light, garland (maybe!) and an angel. But our tree of sorts represents us and hosts a hodgepodge of color and shapes and gifts that were handmade by kindergarten fingers out of red and green macaroni.  Oh and the kids with Santa every year. ♥ 

Wall-E ornament circa the 1920'sFrom my great-grandparents tree circa the 1920's

I can see my tree from the kitchen and when I relax in front of the fireplace and it makes me smile. The craziness of it all, but it always puts me in a good mood - even after a long day of shopping. 

What's on your tree? Any thing unusual or of sentimental value? Please share!

Merry Christmas,



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