with MJCP Make-up artist Christina Larrabee
June 3, 2023
@10:00 am
Cost: $15.00
6368 Elm Street | North Branch
Like Merlot wine and fancy cheese, we get better with age. While getting older is beautiful, our skin does change as women age.
Most women aren't taught to replace the techniques they learned in middle school with ones that are better suited for their current mature skin. No one talks about applying makeup to a face that isn't naturally plump, tight, and line-free.
That's why we are turning to MJCP makeup artist, Christina Larrabee for her makeup tips, tricks & techniques for women over 40 who want to continue to celebrate their feminine beauty by wearing makeup.
Christina will open with skin care tips and routines then teach you how to apply makeup you already own, assist with colors for your skin tone and direct you to the right products you want to purchase.
She is a Younique presenter, which is her makeup of choice because she has spent hundreds of dollars on other brands only to be let down. She does sell it, but not for the MLM recruitment or goal achievements. She sincerely loves the product and genuinely wishes to build confidence and enhance your innate beauty through the art of makeup.
Contact her in her private FB group here:
Bringing a friend is encouraged, by space is limited